Do you think @sarad will come back after her suspension? Will she forget about the site? I hope she comes back, she supported my eggs
Wait, I’m at loss, What happened?
she have to…
She was banned for a month
We don’t even know if she is a real woman.
yeah she had couple of account…tried to woo us…
Oh I see, don’t understand why though. I thought she contributed really well here.
I don’t know how her attention span was. She might forget about us.
NEVER! 1515151515
I’m sure she’ll be back. She’s still lurking I’m sure.
Encouraging unhealthy and delusional behaviour is a good reason for her to stay gone. Sorry, but it is. Got tired of always finding her standing in the middle of a mess.
i like her, she is funny, and smart …and personaly if someone is causing strife or in the middle of it…intentional or otherwise…i always find…
they are the ones needing the most help… .
and going by what happened to her…i would be right.
just my opinion…!?!
back away from the sith…lol
nothing to see people…!?!
take care