Do you think sarad will come back?

Do you think @sarad will come back after her suspension? Will she forget about the site? I hope she comes back, she supported my eggs

Wait, I’m at loss, What happened?

she have to…

She was banned for a month

We don’t even know if she is a real woman.

yeah she had couple of account…tried to woo us…

Oh I see, don’t understand why though. I thought she contributed really well here.

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I don’t know how her attention span was. She might forget about us.

NEVER! 1515151515

I’m sure she’ll be back. She’s still lurking I’m sure.

Encouraging unhealthy and delusional behaviour is a good reason for her to stay gone. Sorry, but it is. Got tired of always finding her standing in the middle of a mess.



i like her, she is funny, and smart :woman: …and personaly if someone is causing strife or in the middle of it…intentional or otherwise…i always find…
they are the ones needing the most help… .
and going by what happened to her…i would be right.
just my opinion…!?!
back away from the sith…lol :smiley:
nothing to see people…!?! :rocket:
take care :alien: