Do you think her intentions were okay?

I work for an agency for the National Health Service. I get paid about £10.40 per hour.
The National Health Service also has their own agency called BANK where, if I were to join I’d get paid about £8.50 per hour to do the same job.
Since i work for the agency I am contracted to do Monday to Friday only.
I asked my manager if I could work Saturday through BANK by applying (knowing I would get paid less) My colleague said I should have been careful and should rethink my decision.
Because they could turn around and say they want to hire me through BANK because it costs them more to hire me through my agency anyway.
Was she being genuinely concerned?

If I understand this correctly then yes I think she is being genuine. From a company point of view (National Health Service) why would they pay you 10.40 through the agency if they can pay you 8.50 through BANK. If you are on contract then yes I think this can be a concern. However I only know from my own experiences here in Canada that what she is saying makes sense to me.


Yes - it sounds like she’s trying to make sure you don’t get paid less. She’s being very thoughtful of you.

If people know you are willing to work for 8.50 an hour - then (frequently they will think) why should we pay you 10.40 an hour?

I agree with what she said.


Thanks guys. She works through bank herself. So she knows I get paid more.

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Governments would love to pay you less if they think you’d work for less. I’m glad she tried to steer you clear. You don’t want less money for working just as hard.

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yes it seems she had your best interests at heart.
take care

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