Do you think age matters as regards developing sz

do you think sz is more difficult at a ceratin age or is it better at a certain age


I think that both bipolar and sz/sza get better when you hit age 50. I know it has for me.


It gets better with age. That’s what I think


My insight has certainly gotten better with age.


I think another factor is that a lot of people, as they get older, stop using drugs and alcohol or maybe just mellow out on substance use/abuse in general.


I think as you are and live with the symptoms for years you learn how to deal with them. You learn more and more all the time how to cope. So by the time you’re older you’ve got a lot more knowledge to draw from. Plus by then you’ve usually find the meds that work best so it’s not a constant med switching circus. Plus you’re just more mellow in general, typically.


Age definitely helps

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The earlier the symptoms start, the worse the prognosis. The quicker you get diagnosed and treated, the better. I’m not sure if it generally tends to get better with age, but some definitely get better with age, especially if they stick to their treatment.


This may be a seperate thing, but I read somewhere that those who develop sz very early in life often are more likely to be treatment resistant. It’s probably the same for sza.

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I’m one of those people. I’ve been delusional since I was a very young child and didn’t seek out treatment until I was 21 and hearing voices for the first time. I got genesight (genetic) testing done, and we discovered that I’m resistant to all but 2 APs to some degree based on the results of that as well as antidepressants, ADHD drugs, and mood stabilizers.

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Sorry ZP. I understand to a great degree. I started hearing voices at 14. As far as AP’s that help at all I’ve only been on 2. I guess what I’m on now probably helps 10-%20. Thank science I’ve only been hypomanic that I can verify once. It’s possible it’s happened other times and no one knew I suppose. At times I’m not always sure whether I’m depressed or just in a very dark mood.
I’m not sure the Lithium helps much or not.
I hope things can get better for you regarding your treatment soon. Things can be tough sometimes, I know.

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Yeah, in my experience, APs have only dented the voices and delusions but not actually taken a chunk out of them, but I’m still hoping a combo will do more good. I just got on Depakote finally, after fighting a year and a half for a mood stabilizer because I felt something was way off there and wasn’t being heard. I’m changing psychiatrists soon, so the whole game could change for me. I’m trying to keep some hope. :slight_smile: Appreciate the kind words.


Your welcome. :grin:

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