I still take this med though… I am very anxious and tensed, so it helps a bit. But it makes me a bit sleepy, which can be a problem in the day… I wonder also if it can depress me too?..
I have one ill agy friend, shes on xanax till life and she just takes a small dose and shes not sleepy in the day…
I plan to stop this klonopin one day, but i’ll have to gain some more mental health for that, for which i really fight now. I was just given up before and all my treatmnets couldnt fix my bad life situation…
You can ask your doctor if it’s ok to take a lower dose.
But eventually you’ll build up a tolerance and it won’t make you sleepy. It will also probably stop working.
I have been taking Klonopin for decades.
My last doctor prescribed it to me and wanted me to take 0.5mg everyday.
This caused tolerance and it didn’t work as well after a while.
My current psychiatrist wants me to take a small dose, 0.25mg on an as needed basis.
I don’t take it everyday, only when I really need it.
This works out better for me.
Thank you for the answers, dears
In fact, my ex pdoc was allowing me klonopin every day, but my current pdoc is a bit against it.
In fact, i lack energy since decades, maybe mainly because my conversion disorder… Its a somatic disorder and it suxx a lot tbh… Ive read somewhere, that the conversion disorder is the new name for the once so called hystery etc… but its still a mental disease. I work on my emotions now, on my mind too, but theres no meds for conversion disorder… Maybe a bit of some AD, but i turn paranoid and agitated on ads… I’ll see, it was very hard to be in pain even physically all my life. I’ll hope for a different future now. I try to accept my illness too, which is maybe a step to feeling better lol…
But i still need some klonopin in some tougher times, am very fragile still, my mom puts pressure on me too lol…
I took klonopin for most of my 20’s until I went to a dual diagnosis program that took it away. It was the first thing they did. I went through such bad withdrawal that was worse than anhything. My head caved in. I got back on it in my 30;s and experienced the same thing when I went off it. I went crazy. I really need to step down on the dose when I come off it but they wouldn’t let me when i went to dual diagnosis treatment. I didn’t even have a problem with drugs when I went there. I was just drinking and abusing some kinds of medication. I don’t know. I used to take xannax for my anxiety disorder in my 20’s and that helped but I would go to parties and black out from just having taken a small dose earlier in the day. Thats when there were parties to go to in my life. I now take gabapentin and just deal with the severe anxiety I have. My worst problem was feeling detached from self and the world around me. it started when I was 16 and abated in my mid 30’s. I used to call it feeling ‘out of it’ or ‘a million miles away’. I took effexor for it and it would stop but then come back and my doctor back then would just up the dose. I ended up obn so much that I got the ‘electric shock sydrome’ from it. it’s actually listed as a side effect on the pharmacy printout. it was the worst experience of my life back then. I would like some clonazepam for my anxiety disorder because it would help.
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