Do you take a lot of selfies?


I’ve been well aware I may have BDD, for many years.
I don’t take many selfies, though. I have a hard time looking at myself. Every once in a while, I force myself to take some pictures, then I to look at them, before deleting. I do this, because mirrors lie, and it helps me get an idea of how I might look from different angles. I don’t do too often, because the end result is usually me feeling incredibly depressed, and it makes me feel too self-obsessed. I only do this when the mirrors start scaring me.
P.S. I keep tape over my camera and I’m quite afraid of it and being watched.


I don’t take selfies, no need to no one to show them to really LOL

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Haha, same. I do have an instagram, but I don’t really like putting my face on there. Everyone who knows me knows what I look like, and I hate having my picture taken.

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I see people on Facebook that do and I’ve read this article before. I always get a little chuckle now when I see someone post a creepy selfie.

Yes there are few pictures of me out there, never let friends take them when I did have friends. Odd I have all kinds of camera gear though, but I buy it when I get manic LOL

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Yes, I have a few pictures of me on there, but I don’t see the point of it. I’m not photogenic, either.
Photography is fun, though. Getting out and taking pictures of nature, or nice things you see.
I have an expensive photography camera I bought when I was a teenager, and I use it from time to time to take nature shots. I prefer my film camera, though, because I like waiting for my film to be developed and come in the mail.

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I’m not one to take selfies, been a while since I have. Not since last April, the last time I dated; I would take a selfie just to send to her. I’ve had women tell me I’m a good-looking guy, but I don’t like the way I look in photos. Now that I’ve lost so much hair I don’t really like the way I look in the mirror, either.

I like the way I look in my mind’s eye best anyway.

It almost came through the other day though. Not sure how to explain it.

So…no. No selfies for this one.

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@Mountainman Technically your yoga pants photo was a selfie, or maybe a half-selfie since it only showed your bottom half. :smile:


Damn, I hit bottom


I used to take a lot of selfies before I became MI, quit the gym, stopped doing my hair and make-up and got fat, lol. I rarely go in Social Media anymore. This site is pretty much it.

I take selfie monthly, to see muscular development.

think I’ll stop though.

doing 28 push-ups, at one time, makes me proud enough.


I don’t take selfies. I hate having my picture taken. I shy away from family photos too.

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I knew it already but thanks for letting me know

This kind of psychobabble ■■■■■■■■ is totally poisonous and only increases self diagnoses

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I am mentally ill - I do not have BDD I like myself - just wanna be a lot more healthy /fit /

I take selfies for make up - and just some random maybe once a week. even if it is a mental illness - it is a good one=)

I had an old selfie as profile picture on DUpoetry.

took it down today.

no point having it there. I’m a dude.

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Does seem to be the younger under 35 set posing for selfies…Older ones don’t like to be in photos sometimes.

My ex (for 25 years) is a professional photographer-- the best I know, and he taught me a thing or two about having your picture taken.

Mostly, it had to do with capturing life (with you in it) as ‘natural’ as possible to look true to who you are. He avoided doing portrait type pictures because nobody was ever happy with their own picture, and he preferred ‘action’ shots showing people doing what they did best, be it sports, entertainment --keep yer minds clean folks- no porny shot here.

Another thing I thought was ironic he pointed out was whenever the camera came out in a group, people seemed to hate getting their picture taken, but they were always the first to want to look at the pics when they came back to see picture of themselves!

Pictures never bothered me, and today when looking back on all the gazillions of pics I have (and pics of me he took) I really feel lucky he was so generous with this talent.