Do you study? And is it harder with having illness in your opinion?

I really want to go back and study but I find my cognitive function and motivation are a hurdle. My goal is to study by feburary next year.


What are you looking at studying?

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Health sciences

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I couldn’t finish art school because of cognitive function and motivation and anxiety issues.

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I fear I never will be able to because of those too

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I don’t study. I’ve tried several times, but the stress always makes me sick and I have to resign.
I’m hoping I’ll be able to resume the studies when I’m feeling better, but I still have some work to do on my stress threshold


Yes that’s what’s happened to me.

I only ever made one attempt at studying,in 1976,years before many of you were born. It was a correspondence course for history A level. I did really badly, and stopped after a few months. On hindsight doing it was pointless; as even if I’d done well I’d have struggled to get anywhere to take the exam.

A combination of quite severe social anxiety , and past history of being bullied, has meant I’ve always shied away from studying with a group of other people. That has been added to by a growing realisation I have unrecognised,and therefore no help given,learning difficulties .

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I got it till a bachelor degree before my diagnosis, but I was very ill back then too… I couldn’t do my master degree in fact… Too much anxiety, problems even talking etc etc…
Its still not much better now, that I am medicated. Its the illness yeap. But mine is very severe… Don’t beat yourself down and if its what you’ve dreamed about, try it :slight_smile: . I know many szs who have jobs and made studies etc etc.

A couple years ago successfully completed a management degree but quit the second year due to schizophrenia and anxiety also it’s harder to concentrate
But I got Btec level 3 a years course also

I study French for about an hour a day. I also do several hours per week of reading of materials usual to my industry (commercial insurance). I don’t find that the SZ presents a problem now. It used to, but after years of pushing the boundaries I’m doing okay.

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I studied Health Sciences at the Open University. Now looking to do a master’s in mental health. It’s hard to keep the motivation going but it is perfectly doable. I has to ask for extensions on some occassions, but it wasn’t a problem. Just find an institution that accommodates people with mental health issues.


I spent two out of three years very unwell, but I finished it in the end despite the odds. It makes it that much more of an achievement to complete something like that whilst having a breakdown and psychosis.

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If you’re aiming to study healthy sciences be prepared for some triggering information, for me it’s hard when I discover some information about drugs.

Besides that, you may also be prepared for some flare up symptoms when you’re close to the exams days, usually with stress people tend to suffer more from this disease.

With that said, good luck on studies, don’t give up on your dreams :slightly_smiling_face:

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My father was a tradesman and no intellectual. He was very prejudicial about intellectuals. So i gave in to my dad and became a tradesman as well. I rather would have been an academic but as a child the parents have the longer arm as i use to have christian values.

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My father worked for the British Foreign office ,as did my mother until she married my father. Both are/were very intelligent but chose not to go to university for differing reasons . My father chose to do officer training instead . My mother didn’t want her mother(as a single parent) to shoulder the expense of her going to university.

Both believed in the benefits of having a good education . They were not pushy though. If anything they were quite blase about how good we were doing academically . There was little praise when I was doing well , and little concern when my academic performance took something of a nosedive .

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I go to school full time. I find that after an episode it helps me to work on some sort of hobby (last time it was knitting/chrocheting) to get my brain used to being functional again. Then I go to school part time then on to full time. My cognitive abilities aren’t as good as they used to be, but I surprise myself every day and I have quite good grades.

it’s like 10 times harder but feels 100x harder due to negative symptoms and cognitive decline. I’m afraid AI will take over everything and my job would be moot/pointless. I thought about web development or even being an accountant, which I hate with a passion. I figure I have to do something boring and low key. I think schizophrenia ruined my life and me talking about my thoughts/delusions as well.

I’m not good with people anymore. I like math but really doubt I could do it anymore without some kind of adderall or stimulant. I am genuinely curious about the math/science of time travel and space but also hate it at the same time. I would like to do computer science. Electrical engineering requires good hand eye coordination, good vision, good balance, focus, safety, good people skills, and stuff. All the cool jobs are government related which I cannot due to my delusions/paranoia. Schizophrenia ruined that.

I study music and piano performance and I find it next to impossible with my sza related cognitive dysfunction.

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I wonder what’s worse the cognitive decline or the voices. I have a thought pattern that is like hearing voices. My thoughts are out of control. I think. I don’t hear anything but I perceive them heavily. A lot like being under watch or psychic attack constantly. It feels supernatural.

Losing 10 iq points was rough for me. Going from 120 approx to 110 and expecting to go back to college is near impossible especially in my field and at a top university. I probably need to do something completely different and go somewhere different. I barely shower and shave and brush anymore due to the voices. (from now on, I will call them voices instead of thoughts).

I constantly think about them and read into them feeling like I’m getting some sort of enlightenment from them like I’m uncovering the secrets of the universe.

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