Do you speak alone often

I talk to myself a lot internally. I talk to my dog a lot, too…I only have to worry when she talks back, in Russian. Nyet, dog, nyet!


It’s okay if she speaks English.


I do this quite a bit, too much in my opinion. It’s not as bad as it was when I was off APs; back then it dominated my attention, to the point that I was distracted from the world around me. I think what’s left of it is mostly what’s become a coping mechanism for boredom and loneliness.

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Nope, my brother does though and it’s probably the most annoying thing ever.

I often do then i become embarasses and talk under my breath rather to voices or my own thoughts. Except when manic i cant stop myself.
I wonder if “talking to oneself” WITHOUT voices is sz criteria

I used to talk outloud to my voices, but now that Im medicated I pretty much dont speak unless I have something important to say.

I thought the reason I talked to myself, even at fully length in conversations, was because I felt like I was the only one who would laugh at my jokes all the time or it was sort of like a sounding board to someone who isn’t embarrassed of my own ideas.
I’ve always kinda talked to myself.
If it isn’t Sz related, it’s apparently healthy to talk to yourself out loud.


Talking out loud can sometimes be a positive symptom! It’s like if you have an inner monologue that comments on things. I do it a bit and it’s always negative outpourings…silly stuff and it’s tied in with the postitive symptoms. It’s rare but it is reported in the literature…

A friend in the struggle,


i talk to myself all day but not out loud

Not out loud unless I’m talking to my cat…I told him not to jump off the deck today, he was a lookin, then he listened even tho he was pissed I said no. He’s a 13 year old cat who thinks he can do what he did as a kitten haha

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hi, i personally carry out entire conversations with my voices when they are conversational, not sure if thats what you meant but there it is…

My talking to myself has been reduced around 95% so thrilled. It is rare for me to sink into thoughts anymore.
Now I nag on other people :smiley:

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I find I have conversations with myself. Usually with other people that have some conflict with people in the past. You know… To sorta hash things out before the next time you have to talk to them about it. I think it’s ok just as long as there is no new arguments that come up while your doing it. Brings peace and confidence.

I write it on my teeth. Its uncomfortable and uncontrolled. But hides body movements.

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