Do you need a high IQ to understand Game of Thrones?

I think you need a high intellect to understand the TV show lost.

No, I just got on an increase, it’s an injection. I mean it wouldn’t hurt to ask my therapist this week and she can relay the message because it’s dulling my desire to draw and concentrate on drawing for long periods of time. I lost it…


Never watched it

It’s at least worth discussing it like you said :). Good luck!

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Thanks bc these schizo meds are making me suicidal. I feel like God is calling me, because I used to get diverted. Now I just don’t care

What do you mean diverted? I’m not sure about what you’re saying

When you get suicidal thoughts and you get signs, whether it’s choking on food when your talking to someone while having them, or laying down and feeling feathers on your skin reminding you it’s better here, or having the idea of calling my aunt to see about her life, looking forward to things. Now I’m so numbed out I don’t care. I probably care for an 1hr out of the 24hrs in a day and that’s when I’m in the car with my boyfriend listening to music with the windows down. When he tells me a time, day, date, temp degree… Gone. Something is telling me nothing matters, because I want to know/remember/feel these things

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It might help if you take notes. I know its not ideal, but that’s what I plan on doing when I try my hand at the lord of the rings. Last time I tried I couldn’t keep the names straight.

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I think Lost is better than most TV shows. It’s more complicated and crazy. It’s very confusing.

I don’t think you understand the lack of comprehension I have, but that’s ok, you don’t need to. I was never the type that read books, but with meds it got worse. When you lack this ability, it makes some TV shows hard to understand. Let’s just say it’s not as easy as taking notes. Taking notes is actually complicated

I got a sign, I’m eating a bag of chips and bit my tongue and I’m listening to YouTube music, pink “please don’t leave me” came on. :+1:

Yeah. Talk to your dr about the apathy, memory, and cognition issues you’re having for sure

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Ok, last week when I saw her she said when she first started treating me in the summer I was definitely not stable, now she thinks I am, but I have those three things to tell her or my new one, whoever they let me contact. Thanks for summarizing the symptoms and giving me the advice!

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If you’re having this much trouble it might be time to have a conversation about the pros and cons of medication. You want to be able to enjoy things. If you were previously untreated and now you’re treated this might just be the problem of getting your head out of the clouds. They had me on a pretty high dose that made thinking hard.

Then when I was thinking clearly, they lowered my dose and then we notched it up a little. Still much much better then the initial in house stay.

What “high IQ shows” do you watch? Which “thinkers” do you follow or subscribe to? Just asking…

Well for some reason all 5 pdocs had me on the max/above max of meds. Then the therapists act like they have no idea about medicine. It’s a very crappy situation. I was never treated right. I was threatened to take an initial dose of 20mg zyprexa or I was going to be committed and if that didn’t work, clozapine. I told my chemistry professor this and she worked for the FDA/pharmacologist and told me to break the pill in half bc she was looking out for me. My frickin therapist who I trusted brain washed me and said the professor had no knowledge at all. I had like 10 therapists, and I liked this one. I ended up dropping that class bc my concentration went even worse after 8 years. It was all downhill of no compliance and not telling my psychiatrist anything because I did after that threat and my case manager was on her way to my house. I had to text her and talk her out of bringing me to the ER. School flashed before my eyes. Then that doc left, and I got double zyprexa and additional perphenazine, I was a delusional mess. WHEN ARE THEY GOING TO LEARN MORE MEDS ISN’T BETTER??? Then I stopped cold turkey on everything and was persuaded on invega, more gentle bc it wasn’t my ■■■■■■■ prior pdoc. Now 6 months later I’m on 234mg invega, depakote, Klonopin, and remeron… Totally ■■■■■■■ up my mind. That’s my story, and I’m getting off the pills. The injection will be hard to get off, but I will. AND I WILL LIVE OUTSIDE THE HOSPITAL AND I WILL GET MY MIND BACK, and I’m not going to be controlled by this crazy system because no one seems to care about me, or my life. They just care about my state, and my state can shift. So why can’t they ask meaning full questions about my life? I’m abused by the MH SYSTEM

You don’t want a therapist recommending your dosage. Try to find a psychiatrist therapists are not qualified to tell the dosage of a drug and can only recommend that you see treatment. Unless you are talking about psychiatrists.

There is data showing that being on a low dose is better for long term brain health.

Also NEVER stop taking a drug cold turkey. You have to be weaned off. If you tell your psychiatrist you want to stop taking a drug they will ween you off and you can try another.

I’m sorry that you seem to be dealing with people who aren’t sympathetic to how you feel, but I believe you have to work with them for the best outcome.

They might want to just write you off a series of meds and give you those, but you should be on as little as it takes to manage your symptoms.

There isn’t a good way to gauge that you’re thinking clearly for them without you communicating to them. So if you seem fearful of them or paranoid they will think you are experiencing symptoms, even if you are naturally skeptical of the medications.

Please do keep taking medicine I think they are helpful.

I watch for entertainment rather than picking out shows on the basis of whether they may be ‘high IQ’ or not.


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And I’d venture others watch shows for the same reason. What point were you trying to make with your link to a Youtube video of Game of Thrones being “low IQ entertainment?” That really added nothing to the conversation, and was a sideways swipe at folks who do watch the show.

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