Do you love

Christmas do you love it or hate it or indifferent
I enjoy Christmas it’s excuse to spend time with loved ones eat mince pies watch the box and hope the next year will be a better one


It’s one of my favorite holidays, but I’ve also grown increasingly indifferent towards it in recent years.

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It is a good time but im not hyped about it now as i was as a kid but i celebrate it happily every year.

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My life would be more peaceful without Christmas. Its just to much stress i like to waver. I don’t watch tv so i get saved from the Christmas commercials there. I can see family all year around. I like the Christmas carols. I don’t love and don’t hate Christmas. Its like a weekend decision, should i go to the pub or stay home ?

I like Christmas but we will not host a family gathering this year thanks to Covid.

It should be a quiet Christmas.

I love Christmas because it gives me something to look forward to in winter.


Just another day here, have not really done xmas in 30 years

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I absolutely love it

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