Do you look into the future?
I like looking forward and trying to plan ahead, i think its a great idea to do that, having goals you want to reach, short term goals and long term goals.
Do you look into the future?
I like looking forward and trying to plan ahead, i think its a great idea to do that, having goals you want to reach, short term goals and long term goals.
I live day by day tbh lol I probably should make plans but my life is too contingent for that. I like to live in the moment
I think you can do both.
Yea that’s true. It’s good to plan, I’m just not like that idk why… i mean idk
I have plans but they’re all contingent plans… i like to leave a lot of flexibility because things can change so fast.
you mean like emergency planning type thing? thats a really good thing to do, like having a safety net in case things go awry
Yeah in my crystal ball
I just mean idk what my life is gonna look like from day to day. Whether I’ll go back to being homeless. Or get married. Have a job or have to lose it due to coming off meds. There’s just so many variables lol idk what I’m doing tomorrow
I kinda think that this is what some off these people do when they use their crystal balls sometimes, planting seeds, using suggestions, i’m sure they have methods they use to do this.
I talked to four psychics last night. 2 said they had crystal balls. But I probably shouldn’t talk much more bout it. We can talk on ‘scord tho.
I use to live like that, not knowing what to do but it was the sedation when i was over medicated, like how could i think of the future when every moment was a struggle? i coulnt even think let alone do anything.
I like knowing what i’m going to do now, plan my days but also leave some flexible time as well.
I’m done with my life. I don’t look into the future anymore.
The future has become a source of anxiety for me. I try not to think about the future too much. I know it’s impossible not to think about it completely.
i often wonder how i’ll be able to live out my final days in scotland since im soo broke haha. i would like to scout out and pick an area for my ashes to be spread in the land of my ancestors but it’s all a pipe dream, as i can not afford a move abroad i dont think. so yes, i think about where i would like to die in my future haha.
It’s hard to plan when I don’t foresee the income to do anything different. But, the kids won’t be home forever I don’t think so maybe that’ll ease things up.
i don’t plan much… i try to live day by day.
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