Do you like ur parents ? 👵🏻👴🏻

I didn’t start liking my parents till I was about 35.


I love my parents they are currently supporting me and I don’t know what I would do if I didn’t have them. The thought of them dying is a nightmare that I know will happen one day.


I’m 43 and really love my parents… especially since I moved 5000 miles away from them to Alaska. My parents always stood up for me, even when docs told them I’d be dead or institutionalized before I turned 21. Still, life is less bumpy now that I’m no longer stuck in the middle of their impaired communication skills. They had to learn how to talk to each other without a mediator. Now, I call them everyday and we can talk openly. I am living independently now (well, a few hospitalizations) but love living in Alaska… it’s a great place for misfits…and the hospital serves salmon! Much better than Lower 48 hospital fish sticks!


My parents are great, I just wish they had no kids…
not me at least.

Yeah. I live with my family and they all annoy me. Dad annoyed me. But i learned that I’d rather they annoy me than be gone


My parents are decent but flawed people who mostly try their best - just like me, really. They try to help.

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I like them they are well-intentioned and kind.

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yeah I do love them and they are well intentioned. Parent are parents and each generation is supposed to improve, so. :o)

@Erez_Shmerling I think everybody regrets sometimes being born, but you are here and might as well make the most of it esp get healthy and well. so I am grateful at most but still have weak moments esp with anhedonia