Do you like taking psych meds?

I like taking meds to preserve my sanity.

I didn’t take pills well when I was young, I immediately learned though when I had to. Its odd how quickly I learned. Still no. I do not like being stuck needing to network with prescribers, and the pharamacy when a problem occurs with getting a refill. I’ve had to have sudden pharmacy shifts with little medicine on hand to others who had a supply.

Its just an inconvenience the only thing that humbles me is that many people are in the same situation regardless of mental health. We can all be screwed by having some unhealthy body part or organ.

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i’m neutral about it… i don’t really like it but without i’m worse and i kinda accepted that i have to take them.


I am neutral towards meds. They worsen my negative symptoms but at the same time fix my positive symptoms.


I’m at peace with taking them. I’d prefer not to, but it no longer grates on me that I have to. I’m grateful that they are there and allow me to function and enjoy my life.


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