Do you like drama

On here. Or in general. ?

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No, I canā€™t stand it.

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In real life I hate drama as drama creates too much stress and exacerbates my Schiz symptoms.

As far as this site is concerned I think we have just the right amount of drama to keep it interesting. The mods do a good job of nipping things in the bud before it gets too out of hand.


Why is there a movie genre called ā€dramaā€?

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I donā€™t like all the ā€œdramaā€, I see some of it as blown up by the person to attempt to satisfy a need. Others will take an unpopular stand on some issue to cause ā€œinterestingā€ contention. I could do without all of it.

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Da-rama boooooomb!!!

LoL just kidding. I am drawn to light drama but too much of it is a huge turnoff. I had to stop watching Wife Swap because of all the fighting, it just made me anxious.

@Yellowdiamond I think the ā€œdramaā€ genre is just a catch-all category for movies that arenā€™t action, horror, documentary, or superhero.


Depends on the drama, and if itā€™s toxic or not.


I like some drama. Keeps things interesting. Iā€™m not an instigator though.

I donā€™t really like drama in my life. (But I HATE being bored!)


Bravo! My sentiments exactly.


Too broad a category to have a single, overarching response to it. But Iā€™d be dismissive of both extremes though, from attention whores on one end, to exceedingly dull people who dismiss as ā€˜dramaticā€™ any interaction that goes beyond the ritual exchange of platitudes on the other.

I think the ā€œdramaā€ genre is just a catch-all category for movies that arenā€™t action, horror, documentary, or superhero

I dunno, when I hear drama I think of an adult (unless specified otherwise) story/show centred on life challenges and responses to it, with an emphasis on character and on more or less believable motivations for their actions. Maybe @Montezuma is the person to ask.

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Yeah Sekso, I pretty much agree with your definition of drama. And like all genres there are little sub-genres within drama, like melodrama for example.

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At my last studio apartment I got caught in the middle between some neighbors I liked and a set of neighbors who were absolute horse sh!t.

That sucked. The police were there three times that night. Wanted to do other things than giving statements.

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Sometimes I can tolerate some drama if it doesnā€™t involve me.


I donā€™t like drama really but Iā€™ll indulge in some junk drama tv sometimes.
I also like to bust peopleā€™s balls in person. In a friendly way of course lol.


I want to say I donā€™t like drama, but Im known to stary some crap at family gatherings. Not making a scene or anything, but I troll everyone by bringing up controversial topics. Then I sit back and watch the poop show. My family is hilariously polarized.


In general is more fun. One time when I was bored at a family gathering I took my wifeā€™s lipstick out of her purse, applied it to myself, and then went and kissed the colllars of all the menā€™s jackets in the coat check.

Pretty sure there was drama afterwards.


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