Yes. When I can’t let go of a thought, I ask myself whether or not it is helpful. Often times it is not, and sometimes seeing that helps me let it go.
A thought being true is very important. Otherwise you’re just living in a fantasy world.
thoughts ussualy are not true what they tell about you. you are making your world fantasy by believing in them
I have to do regular self-inventory about how I’m feeling and what I’m thinking about. Very important part of working the 12 Steps.
AA taught me this too, to make a meticulous blunt open look at myself. To be honest with myself and analyze why I’m thinking what I’m thinking.
I’ve adopted the process for even my more odd thoughts. It helps me to be objective of my thought processes, and letting them go.
I learned a lot when I was friends with Dr. Bob.
Yeah, you have to select what thoughts to entertain and which thoughts not.
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