Do you have supernatural power?

i think it can happen through god 's power
when he was loving me before my birth
so he sent me to this era where all techonolgy and all amazements and every thing is possible
now i am not sure if he still love me becoz of my sins :pensive::pensive:

Iā€™m really good at eating a lot

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I used to believe God loved me a lot and he was showing me signs via coincidences as evidence.
I used to think I was very good at loving people. Now not as much. My faith in everything has been knocked.

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In a word, yes, I have superpowers. Some may call it delusions, but the evidence speaks for itself.

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It take skill in the dark arts not one I recommend the power to change people is in us naturely. God is a power house of knowledge. But not supernatural. Sprint usually are out for them self.

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