Do you have Paradoxical laughter?

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  • No

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Its not talked about much here.

It occurs mostly in SZ and mania.

For some it can be a difficult symtom.

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What does paradoxical mean?

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It’s when you laugh at times when you don’t find something funny and really should not be laughing.


I rarely laugh even when I do find something funny.

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I have this symtom, it really is Something i dont want to have.

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Yes, I’ve met people who have that. It must be difficult.

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Medication does help a bit , so thats good.
I think its also a behavorial issue.

Only on soap operas - when the death is over-dramatic. Not in real life.

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There was a girl in hospital with it
Since getting out of hospital I think I have it when on phone to sister it’s not good

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When i was the worse i could laugh on and off the whole day.


No. Don’t have crazy eyes, either. Worst issue is trouble making eye contact when socializing.

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Its a real problem for me when my kids act inappropriately in public and i laugh because im embarassed but people think I am encouraging them. Have had to really work on that.

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I think it has to do with dopamine regulation.

Today I almost bursted out laughing when this nutritionist told me some one could’ve choked when coworker served the wrong snack to the elderly.

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For me, I think it is a survival skill gone wrong. Sort of like “you can’t make fun of me if im already laughing at myself” mindset


I understand but its not a symtom of your mental state.

For me, the tv show Dexter is a comedy, so I’ve got some crossed wiring. I’m just able to regulate when and how I laugh now. Causes fewer problems this way.


Im usually manic or happy so I am capable of random laughter. ha ha ha. It annoys a lot of people because I also laugh when Im anxious sometimes…the worst is when I laugh so hard I cry and then realize nothing is worth laughing about.

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Paradoxical is a greek word
meaning illogical


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