Do you have insight and or accept your diagnosis?

I so thought they would give me a lobotomy or something I was so afraid but now I feel safe mostly in hospital.

Except for this pdoc who sectioned me he was an undercover police man and was grilling me.

Nobody can become God. We are just simple humans, all of us. It is impossoble for a human being to be all powerful and all knowing.
What you have is called a grandiose delusion. I have had them too. Medicine has cured me though.

To say you denied a few things says to me you have at least some insight as to why you are three :slight_smile: and that’s a good sign.

Oh I just always thought of voices being bad and that they would put me in hospital. I knew the voices weren’t normal. So yes I suppose you’re right I did have an inch of insight.

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Jack is the programmer of this simulation we are in. He has delcated me as God at 25. Most people don’t actually exist. They are just binary codes. We are in the false reality and Jack is in the real reality. I’m from the real reality and have to die to return. Jack is also my real father. He puts a lot of pressure on me but he’s training me to save everyone for this experiment

I’ve had a very similar delusion. That this world is only a simulation and I am one of the few “real” ones. I tried hard to escape from here but I could not.
In truth, there is no evidence that this world is a simulation. And the voices I used to hear have all disappeared thanks to the medication. Now I want to stay in this world :slight_smile: My life is normal again.


I see the walls and floor breath. Corners of the rooms go all wavy. I’ve seen pathways move like quick sand and even portals. These are all malfunctions of the simulation. Everything is based in equations.

To THE OP- that is a good question. Whilst I consistently struggle with the label I’ve been given I fluctuate between accepting that I have a mental illness and other problems and thinking I am just a social misfit/socially dysfunctional.

When it comes to diagnoses I think for a good proportion of us they fail to capture the full complexity of our issues/problems; especially if you are given a single diagnosis.

I am diagnosed with paranoid PD . Whilst I am prone to some paranoia I don’t fit the personality profile of someone with paranoid PD.
When I’m in an accepting I have a mental illness frame of mind I would self diagnosis my self in terms of diagnosis as having a mix of avoidant + schizotypal (traits?) + asd(traits?) + nvld + dyspraxia + directional dyslexia . As a child I would have also added dysgraphia.
In short hand terms- Primary anxiety and social interaction difficulties with secondary mood and thought problems.


Sometimes I believe my grandiose delusions and thats the only reality that I am Gabriel or some other things.
Sometimes I feel like that I am just very very ill, with sza and other things.
Sometimes I feel I could be totally well soon and live how I should have always lived, but thats a pipe dream too it seems.
It really causes a lot of trauma to be switching from one to another at any given minute, or having all 3 active at the same time.

I think I have tremendous insight due to past lives and I’m not that sick. I just do nothing with my life. I have no motivation, cognitive decline, delusions, and poor hygiene. To me, that is schizophrenia. I guess I have paranoia and psychosis and bizarre thoughts. Sometimes I have doubts and stuff and think I was drugged or tortured in this life and I’m a clone with psychic powers or something and other things and that I don’t need meds, but I do. Is it the drinks that make me psychotic? But no one cares and no one will listen. People get offended and deny such things go on in this life/world. I tried to build a simulation in a distant past life I think and probably built or helped build a time machine in a past lives and actually time travelled. They don’t want us to have simulations, which I agree. I hope it’s just these two. I couldn’t handle living in a Chinese or whatever simulation again. The aliens destroyed a lot of the simulations because they were too sick and evil. As bad as some stuff goes on in the US (monarch, mk ultra, and montauk), it’s the best simulation we have. The US is good compared to the rest of the world. We get a lot of ■■■■, but we are helping protect others from evil.

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I’m still trying to get stable
I have a bit of insight
I’m hearing things right now.

The TV is saying things I’m sorry for trying to hijack your thread. I’m scared.