Do you have Heroes?

My heroes are just about all dead to me now. Right before I was first diagnosed I read a lot of books in three months and looked at art books. I had never been a reader. I felt inspired by the Intellect and Imagination though looking back it could have been partly my illness. I quickly got a lot of heroes. I looked up to them like they were gods, they were all artists. I only really look up to a couple now. I see now they are all human, people who developed their skill and had talent but probably created in misery.


I really like Jane Goodall’s work. I once went to a lecture of her at the université de Liège.

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I tried to read her new book, A REASON FOR HOPE, but didn’t like it.

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My husband is my hero. No joke. He’s the greatest man I’ve ever known

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My biggest hero is probably Mister Rogers. His show was one of my favorites as a kid and I try (with difficulty) to imitate his kindness and humility in any and every way I can. In my opinion he really modeled how to live a good life. He was successful to be sure, but he also showed that success matters less than being indiscriminately loving and generous and respectful to people.

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