Do you have feelings of agape, or are you agape from the awfulness mankind?

Do you presently have agape for mankind?
  • Mostly disheartened (negative) by mankind.
  • Mostly mixed / balanced feelings of mankind
  • Mostly encouraged feelings (positive) of mankind

0 voters

Just to clarify, presently means within the last 6 months up to now. Also, by
mankind I’m talking about people in general, not Mankind the 2010s wrestler.

I’ve seen some pretty bad things and some pretty bad people.

But when I think back to certain situations, I wish I could go to those people and say “Namistai” which is a term I learned from Yoga class that we said after saying " The light within me sees and honors the light within you " That phrase too is some thing I wish I could say.

There are times I know a type of peace that comes from the realization that I was never inadequate. Or at least in the ways I thought I was.

I was screamed at for 20 minutes plus as a small child and that’s not the worst. This doesn’t tend to engender confidence. But I guess I wouldn’t have my moments of bliss as they are if I hadn’t started from there.

Looking back I sometimes see beautiful people that saw value in me and I hadn’t seen either thing fully.

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Sorry you had to experience that as a child, TheNicestFreak. Yeah, I think some people might have needed kindness at the right time, though I don’t know if it would have helped at the moment of those bad situations. I’ve experienced believing in someone and improving their attitude, but at that point I was saying anything.

The peace I’ve felt is 1. being relieved of daily pain such as an ulcer, and 2. medication for my symptoms. Being at the point where I’ve been managing my sz for years, I’d rather have a life of sz than physical pain.

For people, I see most of them as selfish as me. But that’s probably my own projection. It’s not in the poll.

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Well sometimes benefitting yourself and helping others needn’t conflict.

It can feel good to make others feel good.

But I can be pragmatic about certain things I guess.

I’m glad your ulcers and sz symptoms improved @screwercs.


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