Do you have faith in humanity?

We have still a possibility to fix our planet and I agree that there’s some really cool people all around the world still.


Almost full Google translate :confused: with a few modification.


Here’s my sad point of view.
I consider humanity to be a large number of individuals.
I don’t believe that there is “one Humanity” but I’d prefer to think humanity as a very different individuals who have their customs, their habits, their hobbies, their beliefs and so on. I conceive of humanity as a species, but it is actually hard to me to consider humanity in the philosophical and spiritual sense.
At the top of the “pyramid” there are also often very self-absorbed people who would kill anyone who gets in their way to power.
If we consider that there is a humanity in the philosophical and spiritual sense, and if this is a “whole”, then we have interest in questioning itself (for itself and for the rest of living species …)


People are people. ■■■■ shines ■■■■. No faith here. Too many ■■■■■■■■ in my 36 soon to be 37 years.

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This is a yes or no question, so I can say yes if it’s a paltry amount. Even if, generally, people are awful.

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I should be jaded but I’m not, I will always have faith until we nuke ourselves into oblivion.

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My life is HARD from other people.
Ive been burned and screwed soooooo many times…
Ftw I have little faith in it

By all accounts I probably shouldn’t have faith in humanity anymore

But I can’t help but hope for the best from people I like to think they try their best

At the end of the day I think we’re all just trying to survive

Yes I have faith in humanity but certainly not in those who call themselves human but trash the earth and kill and steal from the poor. These “people” aren’t human but monsters.

Now, REAL humans are those who care about others and animals and the environment. We are all one organism and if we all care for these things and not the love of money and greed, then the world will be an awesome place :earth_africa:


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