Do you have any tips for life long self destruct?

Do i need therapy for impulse control disorder…? Can you think of any little tricks like holding an ice cube (!) ? to stop myself.?
I’m stuck, eating too much uncontrollably, at all times, i can’t keep my hands away from my mouth at the moment - i used to smoke 60 a day if that says anything …
when i’m not doing that I’m obsessing about cutting or stealing or sleeping with strangers compulsively or purging the food and my meds which makes me psychotic, or i’m drinking instead or doing drugs till i couldn’t do that any more with the schizophrenia

Wondering if you have any tips for someone who has to be on self destruct, other than therapy… i don’t really want to gamble or get into porn or plastic surgery
i saw on t.v about this impulse control problem and it’s about pain. I think i’m trying to cover up a wish to die, and does that sound like the kind of thing that everyone has (death - wish) or is it specifically dysfunctional - and who isn’t?? or what?

should i just go and get a few sessions or something? It’s very expensive, but so are all my compulsive destructive habits

wish i could drink but gone t total again for a while I have just thought about exercise, but the way i do exercise is thinking unless i’m going to do several hours a day 6 - 7 days a week, I’m skimming the surface of those who can really achieve things with their body, and it’s oh so negative, a little swim twice a week feels like a 90 yr old who has osteoporosis for example kind of achievement.

I compare myself with the Ashtanga teachers or those who could run a marathon tomorrow if they feel like it. It’s not healthy but i guess i have to start somewhere

I need to make a new friend so i’m going swimming with her next week.

Mood swinging wonder if it’s menopause

Yes, you do.
I don’t really have any “tips” because I still get that thing, but I can tell you, if there weren’t people I love, I could easily let myself lost any time.
So, do you have anyone that could make you care about yourself a little bit more?
Think about that specific person when you feel like going out of control.
Other than that…perhaps to detect the core of your behaviour…and why are you doing it to yourself…like, do you think you deserve the pain?..have your parents done some of the stuff to you? you feel emotionally numb…can you imagine that every harm you do to yourself…takes you one step further to the (figurative but also literary) death? … Do you want to live like that for a five or ten years…?
I hope you will find the solution to your problems…i know this was barely helpful… Talk with your doctor.


Thanks Sared

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Only put healthy things in healthy amounts into your body… Don’t subject yourself to hazards physically or emotionally, play it safe…

Mmmmm hygeine… ah I had something else to say but it slipped off somewhere.

Don’t push the button @CloudDog

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sounds like you have an extreme case of extreme everything. i’m sure it has been said to you, but meditation helps. try five minutes of doing nothing, just sitting to monitor your breath. impulsive thoughts will enter but just try to focus on your breathing. when things get overly stressful for me, I just breathe… could be outside for a few minutes or i’m feeling up for it, i’ll meditate. these exercises are free and effective.

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Therapy would help you a lot-especially since you are open to it.