Do you have any other illnesses in addition to sz

My illnesses

  • paranoid schizophrenia
  • glaucoma
  • diabetes
  • restless legs syndrome
  • high blood pressure
  • neuropathy in feet
  • currently a wound in my toe, healing lasts due to diabetes

I take some 6935 med pills a year to treat my illnesses. 10 years ago I had no meds and I felt healthy, years have passed and I have got my illnesses.

some of lung problems due to heavy smoking and chronic diarrhea from my childhood. all of your problems can be controlled and anyone has problem just variable in intensity, your neuropathy in feet maybe the result of beta blocker drugs you use for treating glaucoma.

just a thought to your toe there is a tea called pau d’arco which is anti inflammatory and anti fungal and another tea called native american health powder i get here in australia , and with a larger intake of vit c and zinc which helps to heal wounds , would certainly help at least. they cost pretty much nothing, and i find it a cheap way to keep healthy !
take care

I have Rheumatoid Arthritis, an auto immune disease where my immune system attacks and destroys my joints. It’s very painful, and I have problems being physically active.

I take 12 medications per day now.

Hoping the new year brings us all better health and happiness.



I do too. I have medicine for that. I get infusions once/month and my pain has gone away. I can walk, run and go to the gym without problems. :slight_smile:

What RA meds are you on? I’m on methotrexate and Orencia

I’m on orencia only for RA. There are other meds if Orencia is not working. I was supposed to have Mabthera at first, I don’t know why they changed it.

I’m glad it’s working so well for you! I’m thinking it’s time to switch, as it hasn’t been stopping joint damage very well.

Thanks for the input!



I have RA too…as well as Psoriatic Arthritis which gives me psoriasis …
I have Sjogrens’ Syndrome which gave me glaucoma…I take a monthly infusion of Actemra for the autoimmune stuff
I have Osteoarthritis
I also have severe Asthma
And High blood pressure

I have hand shaking caused by side affect of my med.
Abnormal had movement caused by med. i dont take medication for those. My only medication is risperdal.

My current psychologist thinks that my anxiety is more problematic than my schizophrenia. He says he isnt convinced that I have schizophrenia, he tells me it looks like an anxiety disorder with psychotic features.

but the reality is that I know I have schizophrenia. I did meet the full criteria before I was medicated, but my new shrink has only seen me on medication and doesnt really know how asocial I used to be.

I am medicated for schizophrenia AND anxiety, I take an antipsychotic and a benzodiazapine twice a day. It does the trick. I am basically back to normal. Its not all perfect once meds work though, the whole “journey through madness” is exhausting and psychologically/emotionally scarring. I will always be a little disturbed by what I have experienced- its just now I know that what I experienced wasnt real.

I think trauma DURING remission needs to be addressed more with recovering schizophrenics. Its not like you get better on meds and it’s like it never happened.

I went to see the doc today and my neuropathy is probably caused by hypothyroidism, another illness to my long list of illnesses. I still need to go to the lab tests tomorrow, but it is likely I must start using new meds again. This is my life, illnesses and meds.



After my lab tests received my doc called me and told that I did not have hypothyroidism, but I need to see a neurologist, I always overreact to some news about my health. I actually believe I have something wrong in my brain, because I ‘feel’ my brain moving, when I think and I have these involuntary jaw movements. Others may think I chew some gum or something, but I do not. I have noticed that people notice this in banks and elsewhere. They probably think it is weird. This may have been caused by my living in an auto in America with a cat and its litter box, they used to make nerve gases using excrements as one Marine Corp Force Recon Michael told. I basically was gased using the cat’s nerve gas.

I have many physical problems as well. I intend to do nothing and see if any of them will take my life. Living a shorter life doesn’t bother me in any way. I doubt more medicines would contribute to problems one way or another. Your kidney and liver really work hard to get rid of the waste they become.

OCD, osteoarthritis.