Do you guys have your character attacked by voices, and, if so, what do you do?

best thing is to stay distracted for example, working so that you dont even pay attention to them

Are the synchronicities they show are all over and they say iam dumb for not believing them cuz they shown me so much

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They’ll continue to show you more.

Lay off the pot.

Haven’t smoked for almost a year I cant smoke the last time I smoked it felt like I was gonna die


Just stay away from the weed and you’ll be fine.

Yes the synchronicities have shown up in anything from detailed cloud formations, to passages in books or TV, or radio, or license plates…it never stops. They show up in many different types of things, the list is endless and so complex.

I used to do that I used to ignore but it increased so I told my mom whole story how I used to feel I also this to my doctor I also think that I should had spoken about it earlier so my 5 years dint go waste

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How did you stop it cuz mine are really bad whit stuff about the illuminati and archons

Mine have never stopped. I just find ways to cope with it each day/night. I tend to do things that aren’t over stimulating, such as reading, taking a walk with my dogs, going hiking with my parents, studying, watching a documentary. I can’t say this would work for everyone, but for me I have found more isolated activities is the best way for me to handle the entities phenomenon that they continue to do to me.

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That sounds like a good common sense strategy!

yeah my voices are some very harsh aholes.

I do do this but the voices never let me have any peace and tell me I am going to hell forever and I made the best story for them cuz I smoked

They never give me peace also, but I have noticed they are low in volume, thus allowing me to be able to meditate, read, and study most of the time. I am grateful they aren’t obnoxiously loud. Are your entities/voices loud?

When you say, “I made the best story for them cuz I smoked” what do you mean by that exactly?

I hope you find peace in the L__D. bUT JUST KEEP PUSHING THEM AWAY, PUSHING THEM AWAY, HATING ON THEM. iT MAY NOT QUIET THEm DOWN BUT AT LEAST THEY WON’T MATTER SO MUCH. lol pardon the capitals my mistake. I have to snuff too a lot and that closes the door and quiets them. Pray about it that He will give you that blessing.

They’re always saying ridiculous or abusive or annoying things. Today they want to know more about me, because someone says I’m not from my hometown

Thank you means alot

When I was depressed or feeling like I’m not a good person, I had a therapist who told me to make a list of positive things about myself that I liked.

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That helped. Thanks.

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