I feel that I am on vacation for the rest of my life since I got sz. No job, no responsabilities, much less bills, less social interaction, always staying at home, playing video games, watching TV, doing nothing, ordering food online, music, no stress etc
Yeah, its great if you’re meds are working, and you are not experiencing symptoms, stress and triggers.
But it really sux when you have a relapse. I think everyone experience this illness differently. Some struggle everyday.
Yea my meds are working great, I never had any positive symptoms since being on 6mg risperdal. I just have negative symptoms now.
I agree, when your meds are working great, life is good, if you have medical care, income, no stress. It can be great. Everyone deserves it. That’s what the meds are for so you can have a good life.
I went tapered off meds since january and have been med free for maybe 3 months. My vactation was 12 years. Im back! I hope everyone continues to heal. Dont be surprised if you recover! Hang in there!
If I lived at home with my parents? Yes. Lol
I went off meds for 2yrs and I wasn’t any more functional than now. I was never fully functional with stable work etc even before sz. At least now on meds my life is more stable than ever, even more stable than before sz.
Yeah, if you enjoy taking your vacation in hell.
Nothing wrong with that, many normies and successful people live with their parents.
What do you mean?
Are you saying your life is hell?
Oh of course. My brother lives at home.
I just meant I’d feel like I’m on vacation permanently if I stayed at my parents
Well, that’s a slight exaggeration, but yes.
For about a year I felt that way. Now I have a full time job and many responsibilities
Well I hope you get to feel better one day.
@LevelJ1 you live alone right now?
The only time I held a job for a year was on 80mg Latuda but my life quality was much lower than now because of positive symptoms and kinda catatonic symptoms.
I live with my girlfriend. It’s good .
I used to live in a shared housing with 4 roommates.
I forgot to mention off meds I become antisocial and self isolate loosing all my friends. Now on meds I am social and have good friends that talk to me everyday.
That’s not too bad - I would not be able to live with my parents. I live with my partner too. I prefer that. If he dies. I would not live with my family.