Do you ever worry you have sz or bp

I know it doesn’t matter. But I worry to the extreme that I have schizophrenia . or bipolar or both. The worrying really takes over my life and the decisions I make. Like not wanting children for example.

I know I have sz.
No need for worries.


I know I have it or either or both. And I worry. Mostly because of the stigma.

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If your partner doesn’t have sz the risk of having a sz child is 15% so I wouldn’t worry.


But neither of us want the children… We are 100% on that.

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I feel the stigma when
on Facebook i confessed
about my sz to some friends.
And they ghosted me.


I already know I have both (SZA, bipolar type), so I don’t worry about it. I’m past my childbearing years, and I never wanted kids, anyway, so it’s not a worry for me.


But why did you say in op that you won’t have children bcz of sz?

It is because of sz or bp that I don’t want them. He doesn’t want them either but not for that reason. Plus I can’t look after myself and cannot afford the responsibility financially or mentally

I’m still gonna have one kid. I think it will be okay :+1:


It’s a personal choice at the end of the day :slight_smile: I just don’t feel ready and I don’t think I ever will…


Yea I am not against kids with a normie gf as the chance of having a sz child is only 15%.


Yeah I’m not sure if I’m ready but I think it’ll be a great adventure. I have good support system and my gf is more normal than I am. So I think it can work out. As long as the kid isn’t a big troublemaker lol

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I no longer worry about it.
It is what it is.


Why are you still worrying about your diagnosis @Milly?
It’s either SZA or bipolar.

You’ve know this for a while now.

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Where on earth do you get these stats Aziz.

There is no evidence that SZ is genetic, infact not one mental illness in the DSM can scientifically proven to exist. So stop telling everyone its genetic.
Its a weak attempt.

If there are people here that want kids, go for them and do not worry about the naysayers

Im going to have 5 and they going to be amazing however they turn out


Its everywhere, this is from Wikipedia sources the are the small numbers:


Estimates of the heritability of schizophrenia are between 70% and 80%, which implies that 70% to 80% of the individual differences in risk to schizophrenia is associated with genetics.

The greatest risk factor for developing schizophrenia is having a first-degree relative with the disease (risk is 6.5%); more than 40% of identical twins of those with schizophrenia are also affected. If one parent is affected the risk is about 13% and if both are affected the risk is nearly 50%

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I have sza and I don’t really care about the stigma and I am not shy to say I have it. It’s part of me and the only worry I have is whether I can continue to assist my husband who has epilepsy. I don’t want kids either and fortunately approaching final few years of childbearing years (I’m 38 in may)


You can take the risk, no one is forcing you to not have them.