Especially your fingers. I think I frightened my own hands disciplining them for music. I scold them all the time, saying they’re clumsy, old, slow and when creativity is needed, don’t know what to do. I’ve got to lighten up.
I don’t know that I focus much on my hands, but I became ambidextrous when I became psychotic… And I’m now remembering it’s one thing I wanted to ask about on the forum… Later.
I’m a weird ambidextrous. I write lefty, eat lefty, then do most everything else right handed. Anything that needs strength, right. Fine motor control, left. But I can do everything with both hands, except write well.
I quite often notice my hands. How old looking they have become and how I should have worn gloves and moisturised them more in my younger years. I have a tremor now due to meds.
I check every so often to make sure they haven’t escaped.
I’m hard on my hands. Have broke the same bone on 3 different occasions.
I pretty much shattered the right one when I was younger. It gets back at me now by randomly letting go of expensive possessions when I’m not prepared for it.
My pinky does this too. It’ll curl around something, and then just drop off like a wet noodle. It just dangles there not knowing what to do. Stupid finger. I bet a stun gun to the pinky would shape it up for a few minutes.
I have three of these:
Put them on my main dSLR bodies. Naughty hand can let go now and I don’t drop an expensive camera/lens combo.
Yeah my left hand usually cat calls my right hand.
Just the biggest whistle you evaaaa heard in yo life.
Then ma right hand goes crazy.
Example case study:
Lefty : “whiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiistleeeeeeee!!!”
Right: “pshhhhhaaaaaaa DA NERVE OF DIS BOIIII”
Just keepin it real on
Me especially not.
Do notice yours, @SkinnyMe. As a musician, you need to love your hands.
Haha I love the panda gifs of them rolling down the grass hills
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