Do you ever feel like you don't have control of your body?

Sometimes I will self-harm in public and then start grinning or laughing uncontrollably. I feel like when I am sad, I can’t help but smile. I feel like a terrible person because I can’t control my face. Do you get similar stuff? Am I just doing everything for attention because I laugh?


I laugh at inappropriate times when I’m not doing well. It’s a common symptom of many mental illnesses. Hugs. Are you feeling any better today?


I have a constant daily worry that I’ll do something out of my control :frowning:
At one point, I thought people could control me and make me do these things.

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Im doing alright… paranoia kicking in. No longer severely depressed as I was yesterday. Sorry- it comes in waves- I don’t mean to be dramatic :frowning:

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I understand that… when I burned my hand and my cousins whispered about it amongst themselves I started grinning. I feel like a terrible person, I must do this for attention

Did you get help? Self harm can cause serious and permanent injuries, and you need professional help to stop.


Hi friends. I’ve had to remove any mentions of the ways in which you harm yourself, because these behaviors seem to be contagious, and I don’t want to trigger anyone else.


Sorry @Ninjastar I didn’t mean to trigger anyone. I do have a problem with self harm that’s partly why I was in hospital but I’m ok now. Just feel dead and unmotivated.


I get the same stuff ! My face grins sometimes for no reason. It’s weird.


Yes everyday I laugh all the time everywhere but it’s got a little bit better

Yeah, sounds horrible

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At church one guy said i saw my mom in a coffin and he wasnt sad while saying that and i started laughting out loud.

People started telling me they love me.

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I can’t control my face either. It’s like every time I look some in the eyes, I have this uncontrollable urge to laugh. And to make this stop just worsens my emotions. Don’t know how to get rid of this.

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I sometimes don’t know if I am in control of my body. Like when I move my hands is it really me doing it or is it outside forces making me do it. Because of this I worry that I may lose control and hurt somebody especially when my voices command me to do so.

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I don’t know why I react this way. I guess it’s just a symptom of the illness huh? I feel hysterical when I get upset and start smiling and laughing. When someone says they’re concerned about me, I smile off to the side. Does this mean I’m evil?

I have been known to laugh uncontrollably and for long periods of time too. Very inappropriate that. Glad I’m not that way now.

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