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I’m crazy for music . . .

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Music is one of the only forms of entertainment I still enjoy…

I only listen in the car but if I could listen to my x boyfriend on the radio I would.
It is the best radio station ever I think.
Great music and my x is a dj and he does a great job.

When we lived together for two years we had the radio on pretty much 24/7.

When I’m by myself I do t listen to music other than in the car and at the gym but as said if I can get a better internet speed and am able to listen to my x station then I will listen to the radio at home.

I like listening to music, I listen to it probably a few hours a day total.

Music has always been a part of my life. I don’t obsess as much about songs and meanings like I used to before meds but I have a healthy passion for it. I sleep every night to the radio on a great alternative radio station so I’m always hearing new and different stuff.

Music is for the soul!

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Love music. Will listen to just about anything. Yes, including country and rap. :stuck_out_tongue:

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