Do you do any sports to stay in shape?

Do you do any sports to stay in shape, and what else do you do to stay in shape.

Cricket. I bat not bowl so you don’t have to be uber fit but you still need to run around and field.

I’m 50. It’s fun to do and good to have a team environment. I see Americans play softball. It’s a game I’ve played and it’s social…you learn some skills and you don’t have to be mega fit to play.

Most importantly. It should be a bit of fun. I get fun out of facing your best bowlers and having a good enough technique to survive and prosper.


I play basketball. Before covid, I’d play 3-4x a week at my local gym. It’s how I kept in shape and it was also a social thing getting to know some of the other hoopers. Covid put an end to basketball but hopefully the gym will reopen soon.


I used to go swimming like only two months ago.

Now I don’t go.

It makes me get lots of blackheads


I do pushups, dumbell exercises twice a week.


I do aerobics twice a week, and I take a long distance walk everyday.


Mountain bike and a little bit of hiking.

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I go to the gym maybe 6 days a week.

I have also started cycling maybe 5-6 days a week.

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i go for a walk regularly, i notice it does me good being in the open air a bit but only when there is not many people out… i feel bad when i run into too many people.

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LS! The gym is closed. So today I exercised two times thirty minutes on my Concept2 rower. I also did 24 push ups. And I did Vinyasa yoga for 34 minutes. I also went shopping twice, walking almost an hour. That is how I stay in shape when the gym is closed.

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bike and hike, lift weights, jog, used to play basketball but not anymore, im afraid of injury, and have no one to play with. it doesn’t seem worth it, to drive 15 miles to the rec center for pickup basketball either.

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I do solitary activities to stay in shape such as walking, archery, tai chi, or yoga. I don’t participate in team sports nor have I ever had a desire to. When I compete, it’s against myself.


I go swimming for the moment.

Covid is likely to prevent it soon though

We’re in a lower tier, but surrounded by badly affected areas, and it won’t take much for the health system in my county to be overwhelmed at all.

I give it until the end of January, and we’ll be back under strict Covid rules.

Really sucks


I don’t think it’s a sport because it’s very noncompetitive. But that is what I love about it. I’m talking about yoga.

With yoga, you’re not even supposed to compete against yourself. It’s a very gentle practice.

I try to do it around 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week.

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