Im hacked so bad that not only do i get directed and redirected, locked out… cyber manipulation, but get this… i was directed to an open page of this schizophrenia forum and an account was pre opened. Hummmmm… what intelligent life source is responsible for that manuevere.
Now iv grown accustomed to “normal” people not believing me when i reluctantly share a true event or episode but THIS is something that i dont think scz or scza people have in commom. This is something NOBODY WOULD BELIEVE unless someone else in this wide world is by chance a victim of Wireless monitoring and electronic harrassment. Intrusive and invasive.
I do not expect ANYBODY to relate to any of this cause… im just dog tired. Fu100millfbi+sisdearest. Have i said i love you today?
You Don’t Know Me. How Can You Love Me?.
Waitamin…,It’s The Pups Isn’t It?.
The Snake?.
DJ Nosferatu Beat Beam (sleepoptimistic)
P.s. She Wandered Among The Thorns, Feeling The Grasp Root Knowledge Of Beginning.
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