Do y'all have cameras

And ■■■■ in your walls and microphones? It’s annoying as all hell. This started in 1994. I’m 43 now

I felt I had for quite a while.

I don’t feel that way anymore.


I still get breakthrough symptoms at times. It was very bad for me in the past. I poked every hole in the ceilings and walls in order to damage the cameras and microphones.

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I get super paranoid about surveillance cameras,but both churches I go have it.
I also feel that about else places,like shops in malls,so i never go there.

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A guy from the business sector got reported for hiding cameras in the bathroom of some people he shared a room with at a convention. But he had a sexual motive. He resigned his job and ruined his career.

The odds someone bothers to spy on others for no reason though is virtually zero.

I feel the camera is my own sense of viewing my surroundings.

It’s like able to view my self from a third person gameing mode.

Where I have the perception that I am able to view myself, from far angle.

A dentist I went to several times got caught for hiding cameras in the restroom at his office. Some of the film he took was of minors so he got busted for peeping and child pornography. They took him to jail and closed his office. It was a big deal, it was on several news outlets including CBS news.

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Strange how many people(mostly men) get obsessed with sexuality in unhealthy ways. There’s usually at least one case every year here about a kindergarden staff who has molested children. Norway is not a big country, so it’s kind of hair raising.

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I have many cameras, but that is because I am a photographer.


my delusion(s) told me I am being watched by the satellite which, unbeknownst to the public, can see through walls. There is no hiding from AI and the satellite. It comes and goes.

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