I live with abusive control freaks.
They suck.
Im getting the old “do what the ■■■■ i say or get out.”
They don’t know how to share anything in the least. They don’t know how to make it work ever.
I hate these ■■■■■■■ people and im leaving. Would have left long ago but could not.
Seriously it’s ■■■■ that kids learn in ■■■■■■■ pre-school. They can’t even do that ■■■■.
They have also watched me do without virtually everything that i needed the entire time and don’t help with ■■■■ ever. I seriously ■■■■■■■ hate these people. They are just bad bad people. Selfish and greedy little ■■■■■ and i ■■■■■■■ hate them.
It isn’t hard. Just share it, figure something out, you aren’t ■■■■■■■ apes are you? Right? It isn’t hard to make it work. They go “do what i say or get the ■■■■ out” and then accuse you of not compromising. I don’t even think they know what words mean sometimes.
Oh well. ■■■■ it, im ready to die anyway. It’s not worth it to stay. None of this is worth any of my effort at all. Im ready.