They’re cute little rascals.
You beaver believe it!
LOVE the otters…
There was some beavers at 6th str park in anchorage ak…man I miss them.
When I was like 12 yrs old my uncle poached a otter and since I have been a advocate of animals, there’s nothing like a hole in the poor creatures head to help you to appreciate how bad its getting.
Yeah, what’s that whole Cecil the lion thing about?
Well, if you sea lion you run.
Those beavers just don’t give a dam.
Cecil getting whacked was freaking terrible, aparantly the poor guy got lured out miles before he was whacked.
Ah yes, the Tasmanian Devil.
Th human species sucks.
Well if it’s any consolation mans inhumanity to man is just as vicious as what we do to animals.
Down my way there is a small island with these little critters. So use to humans you can hand feed them.

They’re only found in one country, right?
I freaking love critters.
I’m an animal lover myself.
They look like shrews…theres shrews every where man.
Yeah, mainly on islands off our states coasts.
I thought they were baby Tasmanian Devils.