Do u know what youre favorite song means?

do u know what youre favorite song means?

Its not really my favorite song but 'Metallica" song “one” describes me ,ive had everything taken away from me,my entire life is gone.

Yes, my favorite song tells the story of a person who had had to kill someone in self-defense, and later on is having a difficult time dealing with it.

It’s about how sometimes we have to do terrible things to survive, and how we move on with the guilt.

I don’t know if they’re my favorite, but I like Tool.

Don’t know if you know the song but i posted myself singing “Sober” awhile back.

Tool is great. They’re really old fashioned and they’re not even on iTunes.

Ohhh i know what it means yes.


Unwell by Matchbox 20 is one of my favourites. It’s the tale of a man with mental illness, describing how he and the general public perceive him. Really relatable.

Peter gabrial - solsbury hill is my favorite song. It will play at my funeral. Its about a man laying a batch of eggs. The eggs hatch and monsters come out and hug people. But seriously it means alot to me. Very personal

I have literally like 100 favorite songs, but this one sticks out to me the most in recent years…

It’s about holding on to nostalgia or the past. Life moving so fast in just short words, when we should slow down and enjoy life. Also going from the simple things of childhood to success…leaving the past to accomplish something greater.

One by Metallica is about a soldier who is in a hospital and wants them to euthanize him but he can’t communicate.

I went to a fancy high school where this is the sort of stuff we did- find meanings behind words.

It’s a good skill to have, yo. People often disguise what they really think with vague words or even no words. Happens a lot with smarter people. They are not ones to argue face to face, they make little jabs with precise wordplay and semantics, symbolism behind what they are saying.

Hmmm my coffee is kicking in. I feel like tackling a big question about the nature of men by someone on here who asked me specifically last night.

my favourite song is by Burzum called ‘Dunkelheit’ and yeah i absolutely know what it means. in fact its a german word used in the title meaning ‘darkness’. i also liked metallica’s song ‘i disappear’ but not to such an extent i like Burzum.

Fancy learnin? Thats cool, man.

It doesn’t take a “fancy learner” to see the nature of ma n just turn on the news or better yet read some books.

They are about me. Fallen and faulty. These probably aren’t my ultimate favorites just thought I would share