Do they still sell rosetta stone language learning software?

any thoughts on it? or anybody ever used it? it was all the rage when i was in high school and college, but i never bought it. now it’s probably out of date. i want to learn another language, but not sure what language to study, although im leaning towards spanish or french. i guess duolingo is all the rage now, but i’ve never used that either.

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@Loke knows about good ways to learn a new language.


You can also search the Play Store or App Store.

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I want to learn a new language too. I am stuck between Spanish, German and Chinese. But I can’t decide. Or what one is the easier one. :dog::dog::dog:


Spanish is easiest out of these 3.


Yeah, but it’s all in Latin. And you need Rosetta Stone to learn Latin.

I can tell you that Spanish is easier than French. You need to do a YouTube search for “Spanish tprs” or “French tprs” whichever. Also LingoSteve on YouTube
Watch cartoons in your target language


I used to have access for free to Rosetta Stone from my employer. It’s more like a game. I use Ave global from INSTITUTO Cervantes to learn Spanish now. It’s way better.


The pool in Spanish is “la piscina” the way I memorized that is I think that a lot of people pee in the pool.


Its piscine in French, Spanish is easier if you know French :grin:


French is easier if you know Spanish too.


If you want to learn Chinese I suggest watching a lot of Chinese movies/cartoons with English subtitles. Do it as much as you can and watch the same movie over and over. If you listen to a lot of Chinese you’ll develop an “ear” for it.


Written Portuguese is easy if you know Spanish but hearing it is weird at first.


My son’s dad and stepmom weren’t answering the phone. I called several times!! I texted them and was like “What’s going on?” I thought someone was in the hospital or something. They always take forever to answer my calls every week but this week I honestly thought I wouldn’t get to talk to my son. Finally Sam’s dad called me back. I was like “dude I’m sorry I bombed your phone. I thought someone was in the hospital. I was worried.” Well cos Sam has type 1 diabetes and stepmom has leukemia. So I had no idea why they weren’t answering.


Getting the physical software disc is becoming a rarity as most programs like RS are mostly conducted through an online app to which you pay a monthly or lump sum payment to access the program.

Duolingo is fun. Been slowly learning Latin and I mean very slowly with Duolingo.

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Sorry folks. I thought I was on say anything thread


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