Do Mexican Americans celebrate Thanksgiving?

Well my daughter’s bf is Mexican American & I just wonder if she’ll be at his family’s home tomorrow. He may very well be at my niece’s house. Idk. I think his parents are immigrants but he was born here.

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Yes if they follow American traditions then they should celebrate Thanksgiving.

Most immigrants living in this country celebrate the major holidays.


Ok thanks :pray:. I figure she’ll be with his family tomorrow then. Maybe.

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my brother in law’s nephew is mexican american i think, he is at thanksgiving every year i show up. last year he was with his girlfriend and spoke to me, even remembered my name and it had been a few years since i’d seen him. he is typical american dude, seems like, celebrates the holidays and works in tech support for a company. i met his dad before he was born, but i don’t know what happened to his dad, he’s not in the picture anymore.

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Yeah. I get it. My daughter is half Ecuadorian and she does all the holidays. Of course she wasn’t raised by her dad’s side of the family. She loves mac n cheese and pizza. Typical American girl.


Coming from a Californian, a lot of Latino households celebrate in some form or another.

The custom was totally adopted, it’s another reason for food, fun and family. That goes over well with the culture.


I think I would prefer Mexican food tomorrow actually. Is that what you’re having? If so I’m so jealous. May you and your fiancée have a good one!!!


We have a smoked turkey, cornbread stuffing, and my Latina fiancée is making her family enchiladas. The food may be a little different, but the love is the same.

Fun story, my fiancée family have a Christmas night tradition of making hundreds of tamales for the year.

Huge piles of masa corn mix, multiple roast and sauces. Everyone in the house has to make them or you don’t get to take any home. Absolutely delicious home made.


That’s a beautiful story!!!

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Speaking as a non-American it does seem weird that Mexican Americans should be celebrating Thanksgiving when we consider that the entire south west of the country was first colonised by the Spanish and then ruled by Mexico. I wonder what native Americans make of all of this.


Even knowing my diagnosis, I’ve never once felt turnt away. They welcomed me into their traditions with open arms, and I’m happy to learn and participate.


I’ve read that some Native Americans hate it and don’t celebrate it. I’m part NA. But I grew up separately from my NA culture but I can understand why they hate it.

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