I’m wondering if they make one worse over time, like if they were indicated for something eg aggression, then does taking them over time make one more aggressive/ill? Like if I never took meds would I have been ok compared to having taken so much and over time I got worse because I took more meds? I started out with one now I’m taking four. Why am I taking more? Are they making me worse or what?
Sometimes I feel like running away, literally run out of house and live on street and stop my meds and cut my hair off and start totally afresh… I just have this urge to start afresh, including my mind
I do respond to meds but I need more and more over time. Am I med resistant then or just getting worse? I have a suspicion that my sza gotten worse over time. I have seen some serious symptoms pop up off even one med and I take 4
It’s a pretty common schizophrenic thing to do. I did it. Countless other szs have done it.
I’ve been on medication 6 years and I’m symptom free. Some people are treatment resistant, I don’t think the meds actually make them worse unless they stop taking them or are taking them not as prescribed.