Do I post too much?

You hate me. You all hate me, don’t you?

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No! Why would you think that?! Are you joking?

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No, I’m not even joking I feel like I post too much and you all secretly hate me.

lol. Yes we all hate you leaf! j/k
Of course not. I don’t think you post too much. I look forward to your posts!


I love you @Leaf ! Youse a sweetheart. :blush:


I like your posts.

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I wish people would post more, sometimes I get bored waiting for new content.


I love your posts and hearing from you

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Where is this coming from? I think you’re great

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I like your posts and enjoy your comments on my threads! You are a great person!

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ok, thank you, I just started panicking, and thought you hated me

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@Leaf no we like you!

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I do sort of talk a lot

@Leaf naww! You good!

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ok thanks 151515

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@Leaf no problem!

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I’m sure no one hates you @Leaf
You are wonderful!


I don’t know. I just feel like I’m the only one that talks about my stuff all the time. Everyone else seems so private. Which is ok, I understand. I just thought everyone thought I was a freak and hated me.

It’s ok to want some privacy too but it’s your call.
I like your posts.

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Thanks @Wave 1515

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