I’ve believed my delusion for most of the last 13 years.
I have a delusion that I can’t prove wrong. Its that we’re all going to heaven after death.
That’d be nice. Not as bad as heaven and hell.
umm whats the delusion? I dont know what it is…
I’ve had the same delusion since I was twelve.
I’m currently thirty-seven.
Truman show, except for I don’t think people are actors, I just think they’re lying to me about the fact that they’re watching me.
You win
I’ve had delusions involving my pacemaker for about thirty years now.
Uh oh mine was too deep they censored it before i posted it
I can hear you and see you all you know.
That’s creepy.
When it was my friend who called them multiple times and when I was on the same bus route as her back from school. How would you react if you had autism and they made you a basket case when even a psychiatrist can’t make a diagnosis correctly? In other words, go to hell.
Tell me, how to make “non-creepy” friends when you have autism and bronner says it is incurable?
And when my siblings and my brother-in-law won’t have the earning power of my dad and the cost will increase over the years? Tell me, is this what Christians do?
- Who wants normal friends? That’s boring AF.
- Why would I want my autism cured? It’s not a bug, it’s a feature that improves my life.
- They add stress which contributes to my schizophrenia when they get moody like bronner said?
2.To achieve more and lead a normal life? Would you want you be bullied and outcasted since birth yourself growing up in a family of achievers?
The only reason why I am agreeing with him is cause my arm can get broken? I never did anything to you all. I could have. But I chose to walk away. Deal with it.
What’s a bronner? Also, SZ is going to be stressful no matter what. I’d rather have the freaky friends who appreciate my differences and accomodate them. I do not and have never had an interest in being normal - I tell everyone to set their sights on awesome. I like being productive in areas that interest me and I’ve accomplished it. I’m the weirdo at work and no one cares because I’m useful.
I’m sorry but my old church group had the name cd in it and they laughed at my old iPhone XR which dced in mobile games. Trigger warning.
And fyi, I am talking about myself. Not about you. Who needs counselling when I paid for it? Wasn’t cheap when I retire at 25.
Blame the stress on me confronting that guy in church from the church leader who pushed me to learn and my dad who paid for it. In my eyes, they did that to expose my illness and kick me out.
I don’t like people invading my privacy. That’s why I say it’s creepy.
Ok. Fair enough. 1515151515
15 to 36 and counting.