Do I have dark skin in my profile pic?

do I have dark skin in my profile pic? what country would i look like im from?..


You look a bit Italian in your profile pic.

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I’d say British who went abroad and came back with a tan

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Possibly some Spanish/Portuguese ancestry .

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Definitely dark skin, and with the hair I might say East Indian.

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Yes. Whatever country Sidney Poitier is from.

Mexican burrito fiesta


Fiesta fiesta :shaved_ice:



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siesta fiesta :smile:

sup @samp? How’s life treating you…

Hey soso! It’s almost our birthday :grinning:

Oh god that was so-so? I had no clue! I was wondering where he went. I didn’t know if he returned or not because somebody else had an atom as a profile picture. brain explodes

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My complexion represents a milkshake by comparison, but what I can’t get past is your hair. Even when I shave my head with a razor to hide the futility of its existence it still looks sparse. That, my friend, is good hair.

The home of Buddhism

sup d00d? :sunglasses:

I just ate some extremely under cooked chicken. I had no idea and I thought it was fine because I had it on the fryer for 30 minutes while the other piece I cooked with it was fine. I just looked at it and realized it was still white. I feel like…


I heard some of my ancestry was Spanish…

Hopefully this doesn’t make you puke, but I have to get this off my chest. This has happened to me far too many times, but what’s worse is when you realise 3/4 of the way through and just keep going anyway. Yep, guilty. :smiley:

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Your from Ireland right? Am asking because here in Scotland there is a large population of white European ancestry yet they have a notably darker complexion than other folk. Dark hair as well…

Somebody told me it came from sailors in the Spanish Armada who settled on Scotland’s west coast following the end of some war hundreds of years ago. Maybe some settled in Ireland?

i heard that before yes im from Ireland