Do I have a right to feel angry? Do I have a right to feel happy?

Why do I feel that everything I should be angry for I brush off and when the rare occurrence comes that I feel happy I don’t deserve it?

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Maybe it’s low self esteem - to think you don’t deserve to be happy. It’s ok to feel any emotion. Just not to act in harmful way. Channel it out, talk it out. It’s ok.


You don’t have to justify your emotions. Its okay to feel like whatever you feel.


I also tend to feel like my emotions are wrong but I promise you it’s ok

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I was raised to believe I was not allowed to feel sad, or angry - made to believe I was a jerk for it

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I agree with @StarCrazy. You don’t have to justify your feelings. You have the right to feel how you feel.


I think that having these emotions is normal. Some times you’ll be angry sometimes you’ll be happy. Try to live in the moment don’t over think it…

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You have every right. I’ve always had a lot of people trying to brainwash me, that I shouldn’t have any rights. I try to ignore them.

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Being angry is okay but if it causes you to create irreversible consequences then maybe it’s not a healthy anger.

Being happy is great and all beings desire happiness. Just know that it will not last forever. If you cling to it then when you don’t feel happy you’ll feel worse for having lost the happyness. If that makes sense.


Everyone deserves to be happy. The problem comes when people think they deserve a Rolls Royce so they can be happy, and they’re willing to hurt other people to get it. It helps to be happy with what you have.

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