Do I exist? (Real question)

What if the collective delusion of my existence could have chiselled my ‘existence’ into being? Have you considered the possibility that I don’t exist except in your presence?

As I see it there are only 2 possibilities: either you exist and I don’t, or I exist and you don’t.


We all exist, including both you and us. Why do you not include this in your list of possibilities? Why is the most obvious answer not included as a valid possibility?


I personally think that you are far too wrapped up in these existential theories. When the obvious answer is as plain as the nose on your face. You’re a smart guy, but you are way too wrapped up in existentialism IMO.

Sz can make you doubt all kinds of things, what’s real, what’s true, and I guess even if you really exist. But Descartes addresses this in his simple adage “I think therefore I am”. Even if your thinking is delusional, the fact that you’re thinking is proof of your existence. Although I don’t agree with his mind body duality, and think the mind doesn’t actually exist, just the body and the senses: the mind as we know it being a sense of the brain’s processes. So if you can sense your brains processes in the form of thoughts, feelings, delusions, etc. you must exist.


You don’t exist
In my reality
Except when
In my presence
I don’t exist
In your reality
When I crash
Your thread
Both exist
In reality
In the same reality
But only to each
When cross paths
And yet
Your reality
Is not
My reality
Existing and not existing
Something about a cat I think


Because You and Us are radically different entities. Only language brings the illusion of fellowship.

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We all exist… 1515


The I think therefore I exist has come under a lot of scrutiny and for very good reason. In any case my first person perspective has become too weak to allow such arguments to sink in at an existential level.

Very interesting material. I’ll keep checking it out.

But where? 1555555

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Here 15151515 lots of 15s

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Whenever I run into an existential crisis it always comforts me to think of the philosophy of Popeye and Descartes: “I think, therefore I yam what I yam and that’s all I yam.”

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I’d give my right eye just to be a little bit more like Popeye.

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Yes, it’s a modern phenomena to think about these things. Probably because we have much time on our hands compared to our ancestors.

Before they had to forrage food, work 12 hours in the factory, wash their clothes by hand, walk to where they were going because there was no transportation, make food from scratch, etcetera. They had enough events happening in their life that their mind didn’t have much time to philsophise.

Not that there is anything wrong with philosphy, but I think it’s important to have a certain amount of daily activity so we don’t get lost in our thinking.

It’s not a modern phenomena at all. Over 25 centuries of radical questioning in the Greek world, not to speak of non western thinkers like Buddha and Mahavira

Yes, ofcourse, but I’m talking about the average person. There have been philosophers through the times, but nowadays very many people living in, especially developed countries have a lot of sparetime. And if you don’t fill that the mind will often turn to overthinking things. The kind of question you ask has no answer. You can think about it forever and never be the wiser. It’s best to just find a satisfactory theory and leave it be. Unless you feel it’s a hobby for you. But if it makes you stagnate or catalyces negative thoughts there’s no point.

Why not the left eye?

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Someone is hitting the keys. Whether it’s simulation or not you’ve enough free will to do what you like. Does it even matter? Honestly. We are an introspective crowd but getting out there in life is a good thing. Making friends. Forming relationships…Not much fun when you arguing philosphical concepts and constructs when life is happening around you.



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