Do believe you are a schizophrenic?

The problem @Sis_Spamzalot is that I can’t tell if I become psychotic outside of a mood episode also.

I been told I have it, but I seriously doubt it, even tho i been in and out of hospitals its usually been becus someone poisoned my food.

Took me many years. Grandmother told me I was just psychic, I believed that for a long while.

The special candy in the shaky shake bottle makes the voices go bye-bye. Yaaay!

That alone tells me all I need to know.

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My parents called the cops on me and told them that I am violent and destroying their property. 4 cops brought me to mental hospital, I felt like an important criminal like Pablo Escobar lol


I think I am one of the rare ones here who had all possible sz symptoms including catatonia. So yes I know I have sz.

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