I am just curious if any of you live in a hospital or group home or something similar and if so, how is it?
I live with my dad and I am 52. I rent a room from him.
I am just curious if any of you live in a hospital or group home or something similar and if so, how is it?
I live with my dad and I am 52. I rent a room from him.
I spent 5 months in a mental health facility when I was first diagnosed. It was tolerable for that time period because it was newly constructed, modern and nice, I was learning about schizophrenia and getting better, trying medications and stuff, however after that experience I would not want to live in any kind of long term care facility, hospital, mental facility or anywhere else. That experience reminds me of the saying “It’s a nice place to visit, but I wouldn’t want to live there.”
Like you I live at home with my parents and pay rent. I am 43. I prefer it this way.
Hospitals are almost like prisons, no freedom. I want my gaming PC and eat the food I want.
I lived in a group home/mental facility for about 6 months. It was no fun. They didn’t even have wifi there.
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