Do Americans really shush and yell in movie theaters?

In more or less every American Tv show or movie where people go to the movies, whispers will be met with “SSSSHHH WILL YOU KEEP IT DOWN” and if someone stands up, people shout “SIT DOWN LADY”.
Do people do that in real life in the US? Why?


They do in Canada. Loud idiots were the main reason I gave up on theatres. This was before streaming was common. Now that I have a large screen and unlimited movies, I see no point in theaters. Outdated concept.

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It’s because they’re trying to watch the movie and others are making it hard to pay attention because people are being inconsiderate and making tons of noise



I’ve had several near altercations at movie theaters because people wouldn’t shut up or turn off their phones.

It can be a hostile environment.

Mostly because of teenagers, I think.


I’ve never really experienced someone being too loud at the movies.
Well, once. She was an american, and she laughed loudly at everything that was remotely funny, clapped at everything incredible, and made emotion-appropriate sounds at EVERYTHING.
She also shushed me after like 5 seconds of barely audible whispering to the guy next to me.


Lol that’s so funny, Miika

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Yes Americans are rude in theatres.

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I never had that problem the worst I’ve done is stash beer in a back pack and enjoy a brew with my movie :sunglasses:

But seriously for the most part every one is quiet

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Omg I hate when people do that in movies. I don’t know why, but it really gets under my skin. I even feel bad about it, but I just want to throw something at them when they start doing it. :smile:


Lol, I personally find it quite endearing when people are like that, like as of they are in the movie so cute, @Gamera


That and popcorn flying all over hell. I live in a small town with a theater in walking distance and I still don’t go to them. Vudu and other streaming services make the theater obsolete anyways.

Plus little bas*ards kicking the back of your seat the whole time. :joy:


I fell asleep during the mad max movie. In a theater. Loud as ■■■■ and I slept a third of the way.


I’ve actually had one more problem with theater noise. Someone brought a kid who didn’t understand English, and couldn’t read subtitles. Their solution? Translate every piece of dialogue and plot to the kid instead of renting them the dubbed version to watch at home where they weren’t bothering anyone.

It was like “Now Harry said ‘lets go’ and Hermione said ‘wait’, now they’re waiting”


I can totally see it that way, and I think that’s why it makes me feel bad that I get so mad! I just find it so distracting.


Ok that should be illegal. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Last time I went to a movie theater years ago, I fell asleep too because the movie was so boring. I slept through the whole movie. And I had an absolutely gorgeous little 10 year old girl with me. I shudder today to think of all the things that might have happened to her.

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When I was in sixth grade me and my friend would sneak in some crayons to the theater and sit in the back row and when the lights went out we would throw crayons randomly into the audience.


LOL. That is so funny @77nick77 . What a very childish and sounds like fun thing to do!

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I haven’t been to a theater in years. I’m banned from them after giving someone who wouldn’t be quiet a spinning roundhouse kick.
