Discrimination against mothers with mental illness, whats your thought?

can anyone help me understand more about discrimination. im a mother of two and feel need for bringing up awareness.

Hmm…i was once in fl at a fancier out door mall…i have tattoos, piercings, dress in a darker rock style and i talk and laugh alot to myself…security followed me around one store to the point where i turned around pulled out the 4 grand i had in my pocket and told him i was going to spend this here on a bday gift but their discrimination lost me as a customer…

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Uhhh…i have a lot to tell about that one… Mostly I avoid talking about it because I only get frustrated…
The very essence of discrimination is a false belief that some particular group or a form of identity, because it is different or deviant comparing to the socially accepted image of itself - is by default less important, less human, and less worth.
Mother’s figure is one of the most fluent simbols that is used by culture and mpideologies/politics to manipulate, control and define what is or should be a “good mother”. The symbol itself can also represent a various of anthropomorphic figures such as State, Courage, Nature, Earth and so on, which further more shows how women bodies are used to fund a greater narratives ( religious for example)

Being a mother with mental illness within this constellation of things is not easy - it means that you are double oppressed and that you are fighting more than one stereotype.
The key is, from my experience ( being a single mother with a diagnose) is to stop paying attention. Of course to do that you firstly need to read a bit about the way society functions - which is mostly dependent on two strategies double binding and blackmailing and to figure out by yourself that by no means you can ever satisfy the social expectations because they are deeply hypocritical and contradictive.

It is not easy, and believe me I know it. In the end it only matters to be good enough for you kids.


It’s not like they can provide something better than the kid’s mother. Their expectations are just a way of trying to intimidate women.


I just read that a child with one parent with schizophrenia has an only 17% chance of developing the illness. I think as long as parents are dedicated to staying on medication and in treatment and know the risks and warning signs for their children it’s fine. It’s just like any other parent with a chronic illness raising kids. Difficult, but by no means should be forbidden.


I fear the discrimination and assumption so much that I don’t tell very many people that I have Sz.

I’m a good mom. I give my kid what he needs, a healthy amount of what he wants, and as much love and education about the world as I can… But the second I become known as a schizophrenic, none of that matters. The thought of it overwhelms me.

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schizophrenia wasn’t a choice, the kids were.

Do you feel that a high functioning schizophrenic should not be a parent?

hmm? not sure if you’re asking me. no opinion.

I feel like having no choice sometimes is not much easier than having to choose.

I’m a high functioning schz i never had hallucinations. I would love to have my own children but i always think i shouldn’t. I have emotional rollercoaster some days and i can barely control the negative symptoms. Sometimes the meds dont work and i always fear relapse. Pregnancy and childcare are extremly difficult and need a lot of patience, care, sensitivity, sharpness etc so i think it’s too much to handle for a mentally person. The last thing i would want is to have a kid and leave him helpless. Plus the risk of hereditary illness is pretty high. I would never wish this to another human being. :v:️

On a different note, i have been disciminated twice. Once online, when i told my friends i have schz and they treated me like a worthless piece of ■■■■. It was a good lesson and another time at work. I got fired. So either dont tell anything or say you have anxiety or ocd or sensitivity :v:️

i don’t think people should be discriminating against women who have children bc its not very nice :slight_smile:

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I agree mentally ill people can make great parents
Kate xxx

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