I did. Sometimes they were tormenting, sometimes they were more like daydreaming.
I have a weird nightmare of being locked in a small wrecked basement during war and there’s like a small window on top and i am just trying to shout but can’t?? A scene from a movie??
I’ve had kidnapping nightmares since I was very little. Sooo many of them.
I was kidnapped as a child. On top of that ■■■■ the kidnapper took me to a place that was haunted by something, it would just walk into the room.
And then later on in life some guy tried to do it again. He wouldn’t let me go so i had to bail out. It probably would have ended up bloody i’m guessing.
I used to have fantasies about a high school girl. when I left high school, I happened to live with a girl who reminded me of her. ended up getting kicked out.
every time I thought about the high school woman, I would think about the second girl even when I didn’t want to. I cried a lot.
took a lot of years and poems, to get my fantasies back.