Did you ever have a stable job since 1st psychosis?

Stable means 6+ months.

  • Yes
  • No

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The only time I had a job for more than 6 months was when I was on Latuda but I had some positive symptoms and some catatonia.

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Been working the same self employed job for 25 years


Not since my first psychosis, no. I didn’t start having psychosis until like 5 or 7 years ago though at 40 to 42 years old.


Wow thats late, I had positive symptoms before 20 but was diagnosed at 20-21, 10 years ago.


Yeah, i probably had some mild psychosis before that but I wasn’t diagnosed until about five years ago. Never had a full Psychotic break until then.

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I wish I could go back on Latuda and work…but the side effects were too much, I don’t know how I was able to live 1y on Latuda. Almost everyday couldn’t sleep from akathisia and bad nausea, sometimes I vomitted the pill.

I stopped working in March 2020 and started using this forum as I had nothing to do staying in bed all day everyday.

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I still had no life when I worked, just spoke to my friends video chat. Home to work and work to home. At least I had more money and bought a 3000$ computer that I still have.

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On Abilify I had a bit more life hanging out with friends and going to the gym everyday but I couldn’t work more than 4 weeks. I quit over 10 jobs in 8 years. These meds are never perfect, it sucks that everyone I tried broke something in my life or worse it didn’t work for psychosis

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I was working 2 jobs and had a house prior to going nutty. I lost both jobs(one fired and one quit) because of psychosis and the house.


Psychosis is one of the worst diseases to have sometimes I think its like cancer but alive, minimal life quality. I am a zombie on meds and crazy without meds, no way out of the prison.

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Yeah, I’m the same. I have horrible Anhedonia. It’s the worst. I just can’t enjoy anything except food. Don’t know if thats the sz or the meds but it drives me bonkers.


This causes me spending problems as I buy stuff I never use due to negative symptoms. I wasted 1000$ on video games last year that at most I played 30 min. I bought other stuff like Wii controller+ motion sensor to play Wii games on my PC, I just used it once. I bought 200$ Nike shoes and the only time I wear them is when I go to my Dr :grimacing:

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All my jobs are stable. Most of the time it’s me who ain’t stable. But not all the time.


Yeah, I’ve bought a few video games trying to pursue fun too and only played them for a few hours. I bought this pc for this purpose also and I mostly just use it for the forum.

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Actually, I pressed no, but I did work for 8 months. It was some of the most difficult times ever as I felt like I was the living dead. I was a terrible employee. At that point. Felt guilty that I did not leave earlier as I could not really do any of the tasks I was given properly.


I let thieves steal stuff because I was too afraid of them. Aswell.

Btw @Aziz, how do I do quotes on my phone?

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I feel that sz negative symptoms are slowly killing me, I am getting old, lost all my hair, gained 160lb, have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, I am 30 and staying in bed all day everyday, life is far from me now.

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Yeah, I gained about 80 lbs and I sleep about 12 hours a day or more. Now I have diabetes too. I have high cholesterol too. It sucks.