Did you ever drop a bomb shell on yourself in a delusional state?

did you ever drop a bomb shell on yourself in a delusional state?

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Like a bomb shell of rationality? Back during my first major episode when a friend told me she thought I needed help I was first mortified she thought I was crazy but then I looked at all the beliefs I had and realized none of them had happened when I said they would…and that was sort of like a bomb shell dropping because I realized for the first time in my life maybe what I experienced wasn’t real. Made me question my whole life.

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I had negative epiphanies. They were very painful and powerful. I realized (for example) that I had died and come back to life. It was overwhelming and shocking. I have had several bombshells like that when I am psychotic. Later, I think they aren’t true, but at the time, they seem very real and powerful. It’s hard to explain. It’s brand new information and I am convinced of the truth of it which makes it a bombshell. It is all part of my delusion though.

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yea, realizing am mad… but who can blame me? after all the sh1t we’ve seen and heard.

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Yes my first episode I was getting my dreams messed up with what happened the days before. I called my boss up on the phone to take care of this delusional problem. Getting very confused on the phone I’m getting voices of him talking and also him talking for real. Finally realized I had lost it and he knew nothing about what I was talking about. So I told him I was having trouble hearing him. hung up on him gained my composure called him back and tried to patch over why I had just called him. That was the beginning of the downward spiral we call phscosis.

Yes, my first psychotic episode where I learned that everything I was experiencing wasn’t real and that it was all in my head.

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