Did you enjoy school?

No I didn’t
First school went to was fun then I went to all girls school around that time schiz was creeping up on me and starting to have effect
Also one girl hated me and bullied me she also hated black people
Of course I didn’t stick up for myself at the time

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No, I hated school. My first therapist thought I was an overachiever but I was definitely an underachiever. University was cool though, until I got sz.

I liked my university life.

Sometimes I did, sometimes I didn’t. When I had good teachers I would excell, when I didn’t like the subjects I was mediocre. Dropped out of University, trying to get back in now.

Good luck mini getting back in
I did quite well at college but only finished first year of management degree as stress and anxiety was too much because I have residual bouts of paranoia to deal with

I liked the studies, especially art, geography and English, but socialising was hell. I didn’t do any sport either. I had panic attacks from the beginning to the end of my high school years, then after I left school I was diagnosed with sz.

I never enjoyed school. Started skipping in second grade. Tried to put the lawn on fire i third grade. Started smoking in second grade. Was in fights. I had it very easy at school. I knew everything. Had best results on tests even with skipping a lot. But in high school things turned bad. I only got grades from half of the subjects. I skipped the rest. Didn’t have the ability to focus on all subjects.

Hated it at first. I couldn’t read until at least age seven because my eyes were weird, and they tried to put me in special education. Hated it up until 9th grade.

Experienced my first psychosis when I was 13-14 and got treated after an episode. School has a love hate relationship with me. I have a drive to do it but some of that is voices being mean.

However, I will go off to university soon and feel I am medicated and have enough resources to do just fine. I think I am lucky that it hit me at a time where grades didn’t matter so much and that I got help before something truly awful happened.

For me, K-5 was easy…too easy. I was bored because I wasn’t being challenged. I knew everything they threw at me.

6th grade saw the death of my mother. I struggled. Almost immediately upon entering 7th grade, I lost my mind, and was hospitalized. I would only see about 4 more total months of normal school until I graduated high school. 99% of the 7-12th grade I was being educated in a hospital. In 12th grade I was finally discharged from long-term hospitalization, but would not return to my district’s high school. Instead, I finished my education in an alternative school. There were about 10 students there, and most of them had a criminal past. When I graduated, I received my diploma issued by the “real” high school I would have attended, but my records were sent to them from the alternative school.

It wasn’t just school that sucked, it was life. A very tumultuous time.

I tormented myself from 1 - 9 to get perfect grades + be better than anyone else. After I dropped out + spent some time in hospitals I went one year to an alternative school with a few very cool hippies. No grades, no homework, no real classes. I would have benefitted from this all along. Got prepared enough there to get into college, though I hadn’t finished highschool. College was walking in the fields and woods with dogs + writing poems and making things in my room.in my room Flunked out.

i had a lot of anxiety at school… the only lessons i enjoyed were art class and textiles.

Not sure about before the age of 8. Memory is fuzzy but can’t remember any great dislike. At 8 I went to boarding school which I was not suited to. Sh*t really hit the fanbelt when I went to public school at 13. The teenage children of predominantly middle class, conservative parents can be uncivilised barbarians when it comes to tolerance of anyone who is different. Public school was hell. Prep school wasn’t quite as bad but I was teased. Can still remember being described as the “missing link”.

my school life was fine until middle school, when they determined I was special needs based on my brother being so…sooooo booooorrrrreed from 6 - 11th grade… in my senior year they finally put me in normal classes, but I had never taken any real high school courses, so of course I failed out. went to adult ed and still got my diploma in time to go to college at age 18.

College sucked the first year because I was in a dorm…my roommates (there were four of us) were losers who partied all day.

Had lots of complaints in KS and MO of lots of discrimination in the colleges against minorities, older folks and mental illness retraingers. Not even worth it to bother with it again…Employees were encouraged to mistreat some people at some colleges. Nothing was done to correct the problems, except at Columbia MO college. If you run into problems, can get psych DR note and file for help at Disability Support Services. You can get alternative assignments if put with uncooperative people on group assignments. You can do tests/homework in another room. If instructor mistreats you or is allowing some students to be disruptive, the management can act. Bad news is, if you drop classes due to mistreatment you may have to pay back pell grant or student loans immediately.

My school has gotten such a TERRIBLE sexual harassment scam targeting the older ladies dealing with schizo, and this is really common here to go to school to get out of office work that fired you after mental care, school is not worth it if you already have a degree. I’m very blessed that nothing was wrong at time of my first degree in 1990s. Would be better served now to do Lynda.com library to learn something technical at $35 a month or get book, read up on whatever. Reading blogs for your field keeps you ahead too.

I sold my house and went to another college and was told, I may be discriminated against and I needed to get the new mental care to work with my school. This is a 40 year old professional office worker from life/death jobs with passive personality and decent judgment they were trying to call my mental care behind my back and have the psych DR give me a therapy session as punishment. Could never find a psych DR who would cooperate. One day, right after my mental care appointment, instructor b=----ched me out in front of class and I had 20 people yelling rude comments through class. I just dropped as was unable to move to another class due to technicality in rules…Eventually was being verbally harassed too badly to bother with working in public. Lived in iffy neighborhood with gang stalking kids, got threatened by groups of 10+ kids repeatedly. Just decided to cut my losses and get.

Finished up the choppy class material due to horrible sex harassment or BAD verbal harassment by some study by studying it on my own with some online tutorials & books. Now working in my subject from home…Doing my own business PT while on SSDI. Hoping to move again as I got blackballed and thrown out of 2 professional networking events here on same day by different people, which has happened to other women. Gonna go look for boring place where people just work and live…

The 4 root canals I’ve had done were twice as fun as high school.

Hated it. I once tried to break my own leg to get out of school. It was equal parts the people and boredom. Luckily aslong as i passed the tests and finals i could pass with middle grades and minimal effort. i often skipped and spent most days in the forest or desert depending on where i was most of the time alone but thats never bugged me much until revently…